In order to provide a clear understanding of what conduct is expected when using the Internet, the Basic Procedures and Rules follow. Failure to follow these Procedures and Rules will result in loss of Internet privileges. Laptop use is wireless ONLY. Users may not connect laptop computers into public access computer ports or any other ports found in the building.
Library Computers
- Access to Internet computers is controlled by an automated system that requires the user to have a current library card or obtain a guest pass. All users must have a current library card or receive a guest pass from a staff member. If there are no available computers, a prospective user must obtain a reservation from the Reservation Kiosk using their library card or a guest pass.
- Use is limited to 30 minutes per session; sessions may be shorter near the library’s closing time and time limits may vary according to the level of demand. Extra time may be allowed by the system if there are no reservations waiting.
- User must click “Done” then “End Now” when finished.
- A fee of 10¢ per page for black and white and 20¢ per page for color will be charged for printing, which must be paid and completed while the session is still active.
- Only one person may be at a computer work station at one time, except as authorized by library staff.
Library staff is not normally available to help with E-mail, Internet searching, or other computer operations but may help when time allows.
Provisions of the Children’s Internet Protection Act and Section 23-506.1 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland apply to the use of Internet computers in the library. This means that library staff may terminate a user’s computer time if the user is accessing inappropriate content as defined by this federal and state law. The Library prohibits the viewing of obscene or pornographic materials on Library computers for all users.
Wireless Devices
Free wireless Internet access is available at all Worcester County Library branches. Wireless internet access is filtered. By choosing to use this free service, you agree to abide by Worcester County Library’s Internet Use Policy. The wireless network is not secure. Information sent to and from your wireless device may be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for wireless device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s wireless access.
- Delete, copy or modify files or data belonging to the Worcester County Library System
- Install or download any material.
- Use services for any illegal or criminal purpose.
- Use system and/or networks to gain unauthorized access to remote systems.
- Copy systems files.
- Attempt to crash network systems or programs or introduce viruses or spyware.
- Destroy or damage equipment, software or data.
- Duplicate copyrighted materials, such as third-party software, without the express written permission of the owner, or the proper license.
- Transmit sensitive data from an unsecured library wireless connection.
You Can:
- Attach personal devices such as thumb drives and digital camera cables to accessible USB ports but you may not load software or files onto library computers.
- Copy data files onto storage media such as disks, thumb drives, and CDs but you must abide by all applicable laws, including copyright and intellectual property laws.
Revised by the Worcester County Library Board of Trustees, October 10, 2017