Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for a library card?

If you live, work, go to school, or own property in Worcester County, you are eligible for a free library card.  Maryland residents with acceptable ID are eligible for a free Worcester County Library Card. Please bring identification or verification of residency (mail, utility bill, etc.). Cards are valid for three years and may be presented at any Worcester County Library location.

I live in a state other than Maryland.  Can I sign up for a library card?

Yes, non-residents are eligible to sign up for a library card for an annual fee of $10.  For families living in Sussex, DE or Accomack, VA counties, we charge $10 per household.

I’m under 18 years old.  Can I sign up for a library card?

If you are under 18, you must have a parent’s or guardian’s signature in order to obtain a card.

How do I access my account online?

You will need a valid library card and PIN (Personal Identification Number) to access your account online. Once on our website, click on “Account Login” and enter your library barcode (that can be found on the back of your library card) and password (for first-time users, your password will be the last 4 digits of your phone number). After your first time logging in, you have the ability to change your username and password. Please call your local library branch if you are having any problems logging into your account.

How do I place a hold on an item?

You can request an item through the library’s online catalog using your library account information. Once you have found the item you wish to borrow, click on the “Place Request” button. If you are not already logged-in, you will be prompted to log in to your account with your barcode/username and PIN/password. Select the branch where you would like to pick-up your item using the dropdown option, “Pickup Library” and then click “Submit Request.”

You can also request materials by calling your library branch.

Is there a way to suspend my hold request?

When placing a new hold, follow the directions above. Before you click “Submit Request,” you can change the “Activation Date” of your hold. This means that the item you are requesting will not be fulfilled by a librarian until that date.

If you have already placed a hold on an item and want to suspend or delay your hold, click on “My Account” and then go to “Requests.” Find the item you wish to suspend the request for and click the checkbox to the left of the item and then click “Suspend/Reactivate Selected” below the list of requests. You will then be prompted to enter a “New Activation Date” and then click the “Submit” button.

You can also suspend your eligible holds by calling your library branch.

I can’t find an item in your catalog. Can I find it somewhere else?

Yes! You (or a librarian) can search Maryland’s statewide borrowing service, Marina. This service is a free, statewide method of requesting books from other libraries in Maryland. Patrons with any Maryland Public Library card can request materials not owned by their local public library system from another Maryland Public Library System using this service.

Does the library loan eMaterials? What do you have?

Yes! If you click on “Download & Stream” on our library’s website you will have access to multiple databases and Apps that will allow you to borrow digital books, audiobooks, magazines, graphic novels, movies, and TV shows for all ages! You can always call or stop by your library branch if you need assistance with borrowing digital materials.

Can I see what items I have checked out from the library in the past?

The Worcester County Library System is committed to protecting its patrons’ privacy by keeping information about materials they check out and information they access confidential, as required by law. You can read more about our privacy and confidentiality policy here.

However, patrons do have the option to opt-in to the library’s “Reading History” service that maintains your history of items that you have checked out from the library. Please note that only items that you check out after opting in to this service will be saved to your history.

If you want to activate this service, you can do so through your account online or in-person at any library branch (please note this will not be done without expressed consent from the library card holder). To do so online, log in to your library account.  Under “My Account” click on “My Record” and then select “Contact Information & Preferences” and check the box that reads “Maintain Reading History” and hit the “Submit Change Request” button. 

Can I renew my checked-out items? How?

Materials circulate for up to three weeks. Our system provides auto-renewals for all items unless they are on hold for another person or have already been renewed the maximum number of times. You can also call your library branch if you would like to speak to a librarian about the renewal process.

Can I return items to any branch?

Yes, you can return your materials to any Worcester County library branch. We offer 24-hour return boxes at each branch for your convenience. You can also return them to any Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, or Wicomico library branch.

I returned my items, but they are still listed on my account. What should I do?

Please call your library branch during normal operating hours as soon as possible so that we may assist you in locating the items on your account.

How much are late fees?

Worcester County Library is proud to be a fine-free library system. However, fine policies in the Eastern Shore Library Consortium are based on the location from which you check the item out. If the item was sent to you at a Worcester County Library through the interlibrary delivery system, it will not incur fines. If you traveled to another county to check out the item, that library’s rules are applicable.

If you’re fine free, can’t I just keep the item forever?

Not exactly. Once an item is three weeks overdue, your account will be charged the replacement cost of the item. These charges will be waived when the item is returned. In addition, you will still be responsible for items that are damaged or missing parts. Your card will not be usable until the late item is returned or the charges are paid. You can read more Fine Free FAQs here.

What happens if I lose an item I checked out?

Contact your local Worcester County library branch as soon as you realize you have lost a library item. Staff members will help you make arrangements for payment of the lost item.

Can I donate materials to the library?

Yes please! The Library accepts unrestricted donations of books and other material. However, we do kindly ask that you inspect your donations ahead of time to ensure no materials are severely torn, stained, or moldy. The items you choose to donate may be considered for the collection in accordance with the Collection Development policy. The Library reserves the right to sell or dispose of the materials through book sales, recycling, or other means. While Library employees cannot assign a dollar value to donations, we can provide a receipt that documents the number of items donated which will be given to the donor if requested.

How do I reserve a library meeting room?

You can find Worcester County Library’s Meeting Room Request Form here or you can call the branch where you wish to hold your meeting directly and a staff member will do their best to accommodate you. Remember to read over the Meeting Room Policy too!

How can I see all of the library’s databases?

Once you are on the library’s homepage, you can hover your mouse over “Resources” at the top of the page and then proceed to click “Online Resources,” where you will be taken to an interactive guide that shows all 38 of our databases. You can search by subject, age, or vendor/provider. Keep in mind that some databases will require you to enter your library card barcode number if you are using them outside of the library.

How do I print a document from my phone at the library?

Visit our Printing-To-Go page for more information.  

I could really use some one-on-one assistance with setting up my iPad with Libby. Can someone help me?

With our Book-A-Librarian appointment service, librarians are available to provide individual, focused assistance to our patrons. Appointments are typically scheduled for 30 minutes. To make an appointment, please contact your local branch. Please look over the Book-A-Librarian section of our website to see how your librarian can help you.

How can I volunteer?

First and foremost, we want to thank you for thinking of your local library for where to donate your time. Volunteer opportunities vary with each branch so the best place to start would be to visit the branch where you would like to volunteer.  Some volunteer duties include shelving, organizing book sale sections, helping to create honor books, sorting donations, and so much more!

I need to earn Student Service Learning hours for school - can I do that here?

Yes! We would love to have you and there are many opportunities for students to complete their hours with the Worcester County Library. Just like volunteering, each branch varies with their duties for students so please call the branch where you wish to earn your hours to get started.